University of Ruse - Center for Distance Education
The Center
Head of the Center
Master Courses
University of Ruse

Русенски университет



On 3/05/2011, 14:00 in University of Ruse, room 1.311 an Info session will be convened within the Leonardo Project "Be-Twin: Testing a joint ECVET-ECTS implementation" .
Materials of the session:
- Presentation about EQF and ECTS
- Presentation about ECVET
- Presentation about the Be-Twin project

Since September 2010 University of Ruse start distance education in several Master courses:
- "CISCO based computer networks and technologies " from the professional direction 5.3. "Communication and Computer Technics" with duration - 4 semesters - Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Automation.
- "Management and service of technics" from the professional direction 5.1. "Machine engineering " with duration - 3 semesters - Faculty of Agricultural Mechanisation
- "Transport technics and technologies " from the professional direction 5.5. "Транспорт, корабоплаване и авиация" with duration - 2 semesters - Faculty of Automotive and Transport Engineering
- "Технология и управление на транспорта" from the professional direction 5.5. "Транспорт, корабоплаване и авиация" with duration - 3 semesters - Faculty of Automotive and Transport Engineering

 Comming soon
Next CDL educational seminar for e-learning system will be held in the end of March. Information about the day and the hour when the seminar will held will be send by e-mail. We kindly ask to attend these colleagues, which have not chance to attend in previous seminars.
 Do you know

Since march 2008 University of Ruse attend project in the framework of Leonardo Programme "Съвместна реализация на двете кредитни системи ECTS-ECVET".
More information:,

Обучителни семинари за работа с новата система за електронно обучение на ЦДО бяха проведени и в следните катедри:
- в катедра "Електроника";
- в катедра "Комуникационна техника и технологии";
- в катедра "ЕСЕО".

На 04.05.06 г. стартира серия от обучителни семинари на Центъра за дистанционно обучение, основната цел на които е участниците в семинарите да се запознаят с възможностите на новата система за електронно обучение на ЦДО. В тези семинари участваха над 150 колеги от различни катедри на Университета.
 Copyright © University of Ruse, ul."Studentska" 8, 7017 Ruse, Bulgaria
 Centre for Distance Education